Kapi - Documentation
Paramètre de Kapi

icon picker
Logo & Favicon

Upload / change your Logo

You can click on the Logo tab to access the Logo settings. To upload/edit your logo Click on the Edit logo button:

A pop up will appear that will allow you to upload your logo OR drag and drop it from your computer.
If you click on upload, a pop up will appear with your Files. You can then choose which picture you want to use for your logo.
Once you upload your logo, it will appear on the initial pop up.
Once the upload is done, you can click on the “Use this logo” button to save your logo. The success tooltip will appear at the top as a result and your logo will appear on the logo tab.

Upload / change your Favicon

You can click on the Logo tab to access the Logo settings. To edit the Favicon, you need to click on the Edit favicon button.
A pop up will appear that will allow you to upload your Favicon OR drag and drop it from your computer.
If you click on upload, a pop up will appear with your Files. You can then choose which picture you want to use for your Favicon.
Once you upload your logo, it will appear on the initial pop up.
Once the upload is done, you can click on the “Use this logo” button to save your logo. The success tooltip will appear at the top as a result and your logo will appear on the logo tab.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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